2024: Resolutions are OUT… Real Solutions are IN!

January 01, 2024

Happy 2024! The grounded, practical energy of Capricorn is upon us, sniffle season is in full effect, daylight is limited, the temps are frigid, and that “new year, new me” energy just seems to be falling flat. So. let’s flip the script and focus on real solutions rather than resolutions; Let’s focus on small, intentional steps towards our goals; Let’s just get out of bed and put one foot in front of the other and give ourselves the grace we deserve.

1. Get that D!!

Vitamin D, to be specific. For most of us, this time of year means sunlight is in short supply. Lack of sunlight can not only lead to problems like Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), but can also translate to weaker immune function. Vitamin D plays an essential role in keeping us happy and healthy – that’s why sunshine is such powerful medicine! But luckily sunshine is not the only way to get Vitamin D. Daily supplementation of Vitamin D3 (preferably combined with K2 in an oil-based carrier) helps defend against the winter blues while giving your immune system the boost it needs.

2. Just Say NO.

Boundaries, people! Boundaries!! Your energy is precious. Be mindful how you spend it. This will help you survive both emotionally and physically. If you are run down and burnt out from being a busy lil people pleaser guess what will suffer? Immune function! Not only will you feel mentally and emotionally drained without proper boundaries in place, your body will start to turn on you as well. And we can’t be having that! Not when Ms. Influenza is making her rounds.

3. Write it Down, Let it Out

The simple act of writing your thoughts down on paper can bring sooo much peace and clarity it’s actually bonkers. No pressure, no expectations, no judgment – just start writing. Whatever is in your head – just let it out. The energy of Capricorn season is pushing us to face things head on, be grounded and be practical in our actions… but when we aren’t aligned with that energy it translates to discomfort. Working everything out on paper doesn’t only serve to clear your head, but to make it easier for you to see things clearly, identify where your thoughts and emotions are coming from and form a clearer path forward.

Again, don’t get bogged down in the expectation of what “journaling” is supposed to look like. Even small steps in the right direction serve to bring you into better energetic alignment, which welcomes more ease, flow and abundance into your life.

4. Pro Tip: Probiotics

I am going to keep this short and sweet so that you can read it, read it again, and internalize it: gut health = mental health.

The microbiological balance of your gut biome is a top indicator of depression. Your gut and your brain are in constant communication via the gut-brain axis. It’s a constant feedback loop that directly relates to your autonomic nervous system which is the system that runs our stress response. Wild, right?!

gut-brain connection

Also, most of your immune cells are located in your gut. Keeping your gut in tip top shape is critical for proper immune function. Probiotics can help keep it all in check!

5. TONIC, TONIC and more TONIC

Self aggrandizing? Never heard of it. For real, though. Here are our top 3 TONICs to help you not only survive, but THRIVE, baby, thrive!!

The OG TONIC: balance + awaken

  1. CBD, ashwagandha, and black seed oil team up to provide mind-body balance like you’ve never felt before.
  2. CBD and ashwagandha work together to modulate your stress response, defending against the effects of chronic stress and increasing your capacity to deal with the sh*t storm that is life.
  3. Black seed oil is an incredibly powerful antioxidant, boosting the ability of CBD and ashwagandha to regulate immune function and bring optimal balance to mind, body, and vibe.
  4. Take it in the morning for more balance and less stress throughout your day.

Zonecenter + focus

  1. Zone and OG are definitely our 2 biggest ‘Cap Energy’ products, helping you power through your workday like a boss!
  2. Our Zone vaporizer provides rapid-onset relief from stress and brain fog with full spectrum CBD oil enhanced with limonene and pinene terpenes.
  3. Both terpenes are known for their uplifting, awakening, and anxiety-relieving effects as well as their anti-bacterial powers! That means that Zone isn’t just great for your mind, but for your body as well.
  4. Keep it with you at your desk or in your car and take a few puffs whenever you feel stress and anxiety (or that 2pm feeling) creep in.

zone cbd vape pen by TONIC CBD being held at brunch table with croissaant and coffee


Flex TONIC: balance + mend

  1. The best blend for your body!
  2. Flex boasts the highest dose of black seed oil out of all of our blends. Black seed oil is not only an incredible antioxidant, it is also amazing for gut health.
  3. Remember: gut health = mental health, but gut health also = immune health.
  4. Take Flex when you want to provide yourself with heightened protection against the elements, or after a workout, after shoveling snow, or hitting the slopes!

use protection - flex TONIC

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