The Daily Dose: CBD as Part of a Balanced Routine
Our environment and lifestyle make us ripe for stress. We constantly deal with stimuli that over-excites our nervous system, activating our body’s fight-or-flight mode. Think work emails, news alerts, social media notifications, blue light, noise pollution, EMFs, and other environmental factors. It is crucial to set aside time to slow down, meditate, exercise, and create the balance that our bodies are yearning for every day.Â
What is the Endocannabinoid System (ECS)?
The ECS is a critical system that was uncovered through cannabis research in the late 1980s. Scientists were trying to figure out how tetrahydrocannabinol, THC (the primary psychoactive part of cannabis), impacts the human body. They discovered a complex network of cannabinoid receptors (CBR) existing in cells of both the central and peripheral nervous system.Â
The body has two types of naturally occurring cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are in the brain and throughout the body, while CB2 receptors are found mostly in the immune and gastrointestinal system. These endocannabinoid receptors are the most abundant neuroregulatory receptors in the body.
How does cannabis work with the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) to create balance within the body?
When the body utilizes cannabinoids found in the plant, it is assisting in regulation of the endocannabinoid system, which enhances the body’s overall balance and functioning. With this system in balance, it doesn’t just calm your nervous system, it also regulates many other processes in the body.
Dr. Ethan Russo, a cannabinoid researcher, published a study in Neuro Endocrinology in which he found that “people diagnosed with certain conditions had lower levels of endocannabinoids. He suggests that a person being deficient in endocannabinoids and/or cannabinoid receptors could explain why supplementing with cannabinoids found in plants like hemp are effective at alleviating some conditions.” Russo goes on to say that, “cannabinoids from cannabis plants like hemp are essential nutrients that can reduce certain diseases by assisting the endocannabinoid system and ensuring that it functions properly.”Â
How can you create a regular CBD regimen?
There are many times when we can’t maintain the perfect diet or carve out time for self-care or meditation. This is why we supplement with vitamins and minerals, and now you know why it’s essential to add CBD.
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